We can't keep up with all the fun stuff that's happening! Thought we'd put together a round-up for the next two weeks.
BKLYN Designs in DUMBO, May 9-11: a juried exhibition of Brooklyn-based furnishing designers & manufacturers.
Visit Redbeard Bikes to bask in the intersection of form and function. What's better than looking? Riding! You can test ride any bike in our shop. And speaking of Japan: we have Japanese Crane & Osaka bells.
Bike to Work Challenge: May 12-16. Who will ride the most miles?! http://biketoworkchallenge.bikenyc.org/
Commuter Fueling Station @ Brooklyn Roasting Company: Friday, May 16, 7-10 am. A Redbeard mechanic will be there to fix flats & do basic repairs.
Bike Home from Work Party: Visit the Redbeard Bikes & Tattly booth at this under-the-stars party in Pearl Street Triangle!
Gran Fondo Expo at the Lexington Armory: May 16-17: Redbeard himself will be showing off titanium & carbon road bikes from Lynskey, Parlee, and Giant.
Bike the Branches: Sat., May 17: Visit as many branches of the Brooklyn Public Library as you can! Redbeard Bikes is proud to sponsor the first prize in the children's category.
Brooklyn Half Run the City: Sat., May 17. Redbeard Bikes is offering a special deal for runners who visit the shop May 12-18:
15% off bike tune-ups and fittings (bring your bib/pass to book an appointment; appointment does not have to be within the rewards week). Tune-ups: $60 (geared bikes), $45 (single-speeds); fittings: $325.
Not applicable to parts or accessories purchased as part of the tune-up or fitting.