We wanted to share this letter from Caroline Samonaro, Deputy Director of Transportation Alternatives. Redbeard Bikes whole-heartedly supports this campaign.
Never before have so many people come together to demand an end to traffic crashes. Yesterday, at the Vigil for Vision Zero, we changed New York’s future.
Now, there’s no turning back.
This is bigger than laws or policies.
This is bigger than bike lanes or crosswalks.
It’s time to change the culture on New York City’s streets.
Today, we stop signing petitions and start talking to our neighbors. Today, we stop excusing “accidents” and start preventing crashes. And like every worthwhile change that’s ever happened in this world, it starts with you:
We are banishing the word “accident” from our vocabularies, and we are asking our friends and families, our elected officials and our newscasters to join us. Please, take a moment, and pledge to stop using the word “accident.”
Stay tuned. This campaign is going to be huge, and you’re going to be a big part of it.
Caroline Samponaro
Deputy Director
P.S. You all made a beautiful picture yesterday. Some of the best snaps are below. Click on a photo to share it on Facebook.